Nora Glickman, Translation By Yashin Azadbeigi

The Peanut Man

Short Stories

Nora Glickman is Professor of Spanish at Queens College. A playwright, scholar, and educator, she was born in Argentina and has written extensively about contemporary Latin American literature. She is the author of two collections of short stories.

Yashin Azadebigi is an Iranian literature translator. He has translated the Man Booker prize winner “Lincoln in the Bardo” by George Saunders. He also translated works by Luiz Valdez, Jack Kerouac, and some other collection of short stories by American and English writers. He lives in Iran.

“His dark member peered out of his fly almost happy to get some fresh air, freed from the pressure of the trousers, because the peanut man had no underwear. He left his pants open and hid his penis behind the impeccably white overall that protected him from the oil he used for frying…”