Petina Gappah, Translation By: Yashin Azadbeigi

A Short History of Zaka the Zulu

Short Stories

“Watching the girls swim was one of the few activities that brought together the Junior and Middle Houses. For the hour that we watched the Marys crawling, butterflying, back- and breast stroking, we were of one mind. The juniors jostled on the benches in their common room, pushing and shoving and whistling, while, on our balconies in Middle House, we clutched our crotches in mock agony….”

Petina Gappah was born in Zambia. She has lived and educated in Zimbabwe and England. She is a professional lawyer and author based in Switzerland. A Short History of Zaka the Zulu first time published in Newyorker magazine.

Yashin Azadebigi is an Iranian literature translator. He has translated the Man Booker prize winner “Lincoln in the Bardo” by George Saunders. He also translated works by Luiz Valdez, Jack Kerouac, and some other collection of short stories by American and English writers. He lives in Iran.